Standard Gain Horn Waveguide Antennas are used throughout the RF industry as precise high gain antennas for test/measurement, radar, sensing, and communication. This type of gain horn is a four-sided pyramidal structure that is precisely designed to match with a waveguide size to cover the desired range of frequencies to transition from a guided wave to a free-space waveform, efficiently. As standard gain horns are able to be fabricated to high precision and are well characterized, these gain horns are often used to test other antennas and are built into many standards for testing, such as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and antenna calibrations. Given the wide range of use of these waveguide antenna, there are a variety of accessories available to aid in the use of these antennas for testing, sensing, and other measurement or communication tasks, such as 0 dBi WR-62 Standard Gain Horn Radome Cover, L-Type Mounts For Standard Gain Horn Antennas, G-type (Round) Standard Gain Horn Mounts.
Radame covers are primarily used for protecting the gain horn antenna and waveguide internals from outside environmental factors, such as moisture, debris, corrosive chemicals, etc. As the radome for a gain horn covers the face of the antenna, it is critical that the gain horn cover is constructed of materials and in such a way that it does not significantly interfere with the electromagnetic waves passing through the radome/cover. This means that an ideal radome/cover is made of very low-loss/low-relative permittivity materials that are minimally dispersive but are still rugged enough to prevent environmental ingress into the antenna.
Mounts for standard gain horns are another critical accessory, as precision placement of gain horns is often essential to the function of the system. Both L-type and G-type mounts for standard gain horn antennas are designed to expedite the process of mounting gain horn antennas for measurement, sensing, or precision communication setups. In order to ensure precision mourning, the waveguide mounts use the waveguide flange for mechanical support and alignment and must be matched with the proper waveguide flange size. These mounts are typically made from corrosion resistant materials that are also mechanical strong and durable. Using mounts such as these helps to ensure repeatability and greater precision during waveguide mounting, which is why they are predominately used for test and measurement applications.